Here's what we are trying to deliver to you in the near future
UPDATE Renervate will be working to improve the Songplay service even further. This means working to keep all services up, restore parts of Songplay that's been down for years, and improve the user interface. As well as improve the (somewhat) confusing system between Songplay Lists, Songplay Radio, and Songplay Radio Stations.
Songplay is unlike your average music streaming service, by UX and how things are handled in terms of advertising and things in that nature. We've been hard at work since 2015 to deliver a more refined user experience to make you more comfortable with Songplay.
Most music streaming services have the same user experience that Songplay is trying to deliver to our streamers. Songplay is currently at a stage where we don't know what we can deliver to you. We do want to provide the same UX as other music streaming services, but in a different style. Songplay is here to deliver a completely different style to how we all usually listen to our music. Yes, Songplay does believe streaming is the best method of listening to your music, but Songplay is here to change the streaming game. No ads, no interruptions, and trying to do it all in a well organized way. Songplay Radio is here to stay, but we are currently figuring out what we can do with the Music Player instead of having it be a big list of music you can search through.
This is our letter to you, the Songplay streamers. We are currently hard at work to improve the Songplay streaming service. From home page, to the music player and radio.
POSTED: 5/17/2017 AT 09:03 CT UPDATED: 11/17/2019 AT 03:03 CT