About Renervate Logistics Services
Renervate Logistics Services is an internal department within Renervate Corporation that manages packages shipped to consumers and businesses out of Kenosha, WI. If you see a shipment coming from Renervate Logistics Services, that means you'll be receiving a shipment from us, Renervate Inc. Due to security reasons, we can't disclose what it is that you'll be receiving unless otherwise shown in the tracking information of the carrier we ship it through. You can usually find out by signing up for that carrier's package management service such as USPS Informed Delivery, UPS My Choice, and FedEx Delivery Manager.
Renervate Logistics Services works with UPS, USPS, and FedEx to get shipments to your door.
Renervate Logistics Services works with UPS, USPS, and FedEx to get shipments to your door.