Glance at Renervate Home's wallpapers are carefully curated for the most beautiful looking photos and videos to display front and center with the time and date as the main highlight of Renervate Home. It's been this way for years now (about 5 years or so). With that, we're very selective of what we choose. Here's some things we keep note of when we select a wallpaper, and some musts we keep in mind when doing so:
Get out there, create, and have fun!
- We usually look on Pixabay, although sometimes we will venture out to other sites, or even showcase our own photos and videos taken by us
- Your profile must show your real name, not a username (with some very rare exceptions)
- Your photo or video must be landscape/horizontal, no exceptions
- If it's a video, 4K (3840x2160) is highly recommended for the best resolution across all screen sizes, although sometimes we will work with a 1080p (1920x1080) video. If you have higher than 4K (like 8K), that's even better! The higher the better.
- If the video is too bright, we may not select it due to a limitation on our end where it is difficult for us to dim the video for the text of the date and artist to be visible
- The picture or video must be appropriate
- We aim for simple, yet beautiful backgrounds such as mountains, a bird flying in the sky, cityscape such as (but not limited to) Kenosha, Milwaukee or Chicago for example, and more
Get out there, create, and have fun!