Renervate and TrendNation's in Las Vegas for CES 2024! And there's a lot to unpack these upcoming days. As a quick note, CES has 2 parts. The media days, and then the regular convention open to the rest of the public. We're here for both. It goes on from January 7th to the 12, and the media days are from the 9th to the 12th. CES' media days are more up close and personal days of what we should expect before the real chaos rolls in on the 9th. Here's everything we've learned so far... LG unveiled a new vacuum combo that doubles as a mopping stick and robot vacuum, all in 1 baseIt's unlike anything ever seen before. The base features a regular stick vacuum as you'd find from something like Dyson, but also features a robot vacuum at the bottom of the base. And to top it off, they even mop with an attachment. GE shows off their brand new washer/dryer comboNo more having to move over your load of clothes over to the dryer when you're done. GE showed off their brand new washer/dryer combo I've never heard of... until now. So it's less work, and takes up half the space. It retails for about $2,500, which is about the price of a new, modern washer and dryer separately. We'll just have to find out if it does both jobs well. Stay tuned with us as we discover more at the world's largest tech convention, CES 2023 at Las Vegas. Signing out, this is Latrell Jennings from Kenosha, WI.
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