In the latest update of SmartThings, the intro video shows us a glimpse of Samsung's Bixby-powered smart speaker. So we took a screenshot. Samsung unveiled the Galaxy Home back in August 2018, but it hasn't been until recently we've been hearing (and now seeing) the Galaxy Home. We already saw the Galaxy Home in August, but the fact that we saw it in the new SmartThings update only brings us closer to the release of the Galaxy Home as we still don't have a release date. The Galaxy Home will bring a variety of features. Such as AKG-tuned sound, "sound steering" which (when you enable it) lets the music follow you depending on where you're at in your home with multiple Galaxy Home's (which I'm eager to try and curious on how it works) SmartThings compatibility to control your smart devices of course, and more. We've already heard that the device got it's FCC approval around November 7, 2018. We've also heard some other things, such as Samsung may be releasing a 2nd Galaxy Home along with the one we've already seen. It's supposed to be a cheaper alternative to the Galaxy Home already announced, and it's possible we'll see it one day.
Hopefully it'll be released soon. Without a doubt, it will be released (looking at you AirPower) but hopefully it doesn't take too long as we've already been waiting around half a year for it. We can only assume Samsung ran into some issues that delayed the launch (while the only information we got was "coming soon" at announcement so this is not confirmed) and play the waiting game. TrendNation will update when we hear more.
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