It's November 6, 2019, and Reddit's website is down. You can get to the website at all, and login, but you won't be able to view any posts or comment anywhere. You may be able to see your notifications though, but you won't be able to take action on them.
Our trusty source at shows that there's been another surge of Reddit outages. We're unsure how widespread this is, but it seems though that it is worldwide. If you aren't aware, Reddit has experienced a blackout not long ago. August 31st, Reddit experience a large outage that hit all of it's users. It seems to be the case again this time around.
According to the unofficial @redditstatus Twitter profile, the issue has been resolved and a fix is being implemented at the time of this post writing.
They've followed up with this post by replying to it, saying that they're still working on the identified issue. It isn't known how long Reddit will be down for, but you should expect Reddit to get it back up and running soon.
It does seem, though, that this outage only applies to the website. The official Reddit app for Android & iOS still seems to be working as usual, but you might have a different experience with Reddit clients.
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