UPDATED: 3/10/2018
Just this Wednesday, February 14, a 10-meter wide, 30 foot deep sinkhole swallowed half-dozen cars on a street in Rome. Prosecutors are currently investigating this case. No one was reported to be injured.
According to local media, on Thursday, 22 families couldn't return home due to this large sinkhole in the neighborhood of Balduina in Rome, but people nearby were evacuated from their homes as a precaution.
If you're currently reading this, and not listening off a device like an Amazon Echo, you can see just how bad this tragedy was from the pictures and how it affected these people. The cause of this is currently unknown, and is currently under investigation.
This area was nearby a construction site. Construction works began demolition of buildings so they could make way for new residential buildings and an underground parking space.
It has been reported that this happened in the same place where the sinkhole appeared in late January after reports of significant water leaks, but despite the warnings, the construction workers continued. Mayor Virginia Raggi said authorities where the responsibility of the sinkhole shall lie, and "Anyone who made an error will pay." She also stressed that everything was under control. For more information, watch this video for more on the story by Daily Mail on YouTube below (if you're reading this online.)
We'll keep you updated on this manner (update: we haven't heard anything new on this story, so we cannot provide any more information.)
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