After the release of the Galaxy Note9 by Samsung on August 9th, CNET's been reporting on this phone. And people in the comments aren't too happy, saying CNET's "been slipping" even before this Note9 coverage, with a high dislike count on their Note9 videos.
Some say CNET has been lacking in terms of quality over the years, and others say it's because it doesn't have an Apple logo, but regardless, CNET has been releasing coverage on the Galaxy Note9 that hasn't exactly been great.
Videos by CNET on YouTube about the Galaxy Note9, 2 videos in particular, have been receiving a lot of backlash. One is called "Unboxing the Samsung Note 9: Here's everything you get", and the other is "Galaxy Note 9: CNET editors react". What happened on the Unboxing the Samsung Note 9 video: Jessica Dolcourt, the person who unboxed the Note 9, made a couple of errors. The first error was when she got to the part with the Galaxy Note9's S Pen replacement tips. She called them the "pinny clippy things", and the other is when she was talking about the Samsung Wireless Charger Duo. She was talking about how you charge the Wireless Charger Duo (which is the incorrect part) and mentioned how that by plugging in the charger, you're not actually charging the charger, you're charging the Wireless Charger Duo. What happened on the CNET editors react video: In the video, one of the people speaking in the video had said that a 64GB microSD card costs "literally about 5-6 dollars", as well as other errors.
You can watch the video's above. There have been plenty of people in the comments commenting on their errors, as well as leaving other comments such as...
"$5 or $6 dollars? Lmao. Great job CNET. I now know NOT to watch anymore of your videos." -Carlos Rodriguez "CNET the apple iPhone fanboys at their best" -polofunk "I just come here to read the comments about how badly she does her unboxings ???" -Chloe Young "5:31- "pinny clippy things". "That is the replacement nibs for the S Pen. You're not good at your job are you?" -Abdul Muhaymin As well as other comments in their videos.
In my opinion, I, myself wasn't impressed with their videos either. I feel that they could've put in a little more work in their videos. But time will tell and we will see if their content improves as we get close to finishing this year off. I hope they do.
Let us know what you think in the comments below.
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