LAST UPDATED: 4/28/2017 AT 9:00 PM CT According to The Journal Times, the incident where the student was stabbed at Bradford High School was NOT stabbed because he felt just threatened. Don't listen to that type of media. Listen to the #NoHiddenMessages news, TrendNation. I was actually born & raised in Kenosha, WI (and still live here) so you'd think I know a little more about the incident, which I do. The student was not, I repeat NOT stabbed because he felt only "threatened" by the other student. So here's the real story... The 2 students were already fighting, so it wasn't like the stabbing was random at all. We got that part, but the part they got wrong is that they felt threatened. Some rumors even said that the victim had a gun when a fist fight between the two occurred, although it's likely that the rumor is nowhere near true. What really happened was yes, they were already fighting, and a while after, the student who stabbed the victim's mother died afterwards. Then that Monday morning, the person who stabbed the victim, Timothy Carson, felt both threatened and emotional because his mother died. This is a important thing to point out that The Journal Times didn't point out. So he grabbed that knife, and stabbed the victim that morning. It is definitely sad that all of this happened in the first place that according to rumors (again, surprise surprise) that all of this was over a girl. This is a little more believable, even though that may not be true too. And at the time of creating this story, the victim actually died. Check out the story about that that The Journal Times actually got right > Rumours are all over the place, true and twisted up ones. What do you believe the true story was? Did you go to Bradford High in Kenosha and know the real story to help us clear up some of these twisted stories? Let us know in the comments below!
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