SCHEDULED TO BE PUBLISHED JULY 11, 2023 AT 10:00 AM Thank you for your support of TrendNation! For years, we've used our own system of comments by TrendNation and Renervate Indenna. But as of August 1st, we've decided to pivot away from such, to a more robust comments platform by Disqus most media platforms opt to use. We've worked with and used Disqus for TrendNation's comments in the past, and believe they're a good fit for what we believe. While we do have complete control over the comments on TrendNation, which makes it valuable for us to make sure comments aren't silenced, we don't believe Disqus indulges in such practices, which qualifies them to be our commenting system for TrendNation.
Disqus also emails you when someone has responded to your comment as Renervate does, as well as a page where you can log into and see all the comments you've ever posted on every website you've commented on under your Disqus account (including ours). A Disqus account is not required to comment under a TrendNation story. We've made a strong consideration regarding this. Unfortunately, if you've commented in the past under Renervate Indenna's commenting system, they will not be transferred over to Disqus. If you'd like, you may retain the comment you've left previously under one of TrendNation's stories, and then paste it after the August 1st switch. You may also request the comment that you've previously left after the switch if it's still in our records by contacting Renervate Help. Thank you, and we hope you appreciate the improved changes to your experience.
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