STORY TELLER: LATRELL JENNINGS Problems, problems, problems... There's the Galaxy Note7 that got recalled due to explosions, and now there's an iPhone 7 & 7 Plus problem with a hissing problem. Could this be an early sign of another explosion problem? Who knows. Probably not, but it's something to think about. Especially after the Samsung Galaxy Note7 problems, this will definitely raise some concerns. Apparently, it's right by the Apple logo. Could this be an electrical problem? If so, most unusual signs that have to do with electrical problems lead to serious problems if not taken action against. And since users don't have access to the inside of a phone, they can't do anything about it. Apple didn't make a comment yet, probably because the issue was relatively newly discovered by users. By the way, why are problems always discovered by the users? Anyways, they may or may not comment on this, but this probably is a problematic issue. Here's Unbox Therapy's video, who's possibly the biggest tech YouTuber to exist with a rapidly growing 6 million subscribers. Me, he's personally one of my favorite YouTubers. Funny, and finds some pretty good stuff (Lou, if your reading this, your welcome) Haha. Yeah, um.. *clears throat* anyways, as I was saying... Here's the video folks, I think you'll enjoy it. Put on headphones for the best experience. I know, strange right? You probably wasn't expecting that.
My guess is that it's the storage space thing-y they put in there that makes the sound whenever something's going on that has to do with it. Kind of like a computer, especially the old computer HDD's (Hard Drive, or Hard Disk Drive). What's your guess? Is this going to change your decision on getting an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus? Talk, discuss, and let me know in the comments below. I'll try my best to respond. And also, welcome to Kazam TrendNation on Renervate!
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